The second we got into class we started to try and work on our commercial. We first started of on the school computers and I logged into the computer. We could not find pennicle studios on the desk top so we started to worry. We where very worried that we where the only group struggling with editing process. Come to find out all of the other groups are having problems. The computers supplied by the school also where not working. The problem was that they did not have Pennicle Studios to edit on. We where stressing out because we could not get our editing in time but the whole class is having problems.Then I had the idea to switch to Lucas laptop. We logged into his laptop and started to look for the application IMovie.
We realized that there was no application for I Movie and realized we had a problem. We had to update Lucas laptop to be able to start editing. The updating process took almost the whole class period. Our team member Lucy who was sick for filming is here. She is going to do a large portion of the editing for our group because she couldn’t film. All of our footage has already dumped on to the computer. I wish we could have edited today to be able to make progress on our commercial. Also Imovie is a very easy application to work. Mostly anyone can learn how to work IMovie Wich and it has manny good transitions. This is why I’m so upset that we could not work on iMovie, I think it would have turned out very good.
Luca is going to go home and make Shure iMovie gets downloaded onto his laptop so next class we can work on it. I am particularly upset that the day our group is all here we couldn’t work together to make progress on our commercial. I’m mad that we made such a good video and I was ready to work and the computers where not working. We made sure that we put all of our clips on our google drive to make sure our clips where secure. We do not want to loose our commercial because we put a lot of time and effort into it. Overall today was very frustrating to film because it stopped us from working. I am exited for next class because I belive that we will be ready to edit. I very much want to use IMovie for our commercial. It will then turn out very good and we will be finished with our project. Our group it very exited to finish our commercial because it will be very good and very impactful.
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