Our new AICE media project was assigned today by our teachers, November 14th 2019, this new assignment seems very interesting and fun. Last project was a commercial that was mildly easy, yet very fun. It was a very fun assignment to do and my group was very successful. I learned that the filming process is more enjoyable then the editing process. I also learned that I enjoy the filming process from our last project. The reason I think I like this is because I can take charge. I love to act in these projects as well, I learned that from our filming day for our commercial. This is important to have because is no one was comfortable acting the project would not have turned out as good at it did. To add to this, something that I could do better is to have better attendance. I need to come to class more because I keep getting off track. This would help my group and my self including my grade. Another thing I can do better is learn how to edit better. The way I will do this is by paying attention to other people. Also I can ask my teachers and look through my notes for this.
Our group decided on the song “I got a Feeling” by the black eyed peas. There was other songs discussed such as “Ice Ice Baby” or a country song. I said that we needed a song that we could properly act out or preform something to go with the song. Our songs genre is pop. The reason we chose it is because it is and up beat song and it is easy to make up what we will do in the video. This will be helpful because pop is a large genre and going to have a lot of information.
Costumes: Our costumes will consist of pajamas and clubbing, or going out clothes.
Lighting: In the beginning there will be natural lighting, and for later there will be flashing different color lights and darkness.
Acting: There will be three actors included in this music video, and we will be acting like we are getting ready, they will be exited and happy. Also at the end they will be acting like they are at a club and they will be dancing.
Makeup: There will be makeup because there will be three female actors. It will be light to medium makeup because they are going out.
Props: We will be using a lot of props. Some consist of makeup, red solo cups, accessories.
Setting: The setting of our music video will be a house somewhere warm. Later in this video, we will be at a club looking place, somewhere dark with bright colored lights.
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