Today in my media studies class it was very fun. We got to film for the duration of the class period with our groups. My ground chose a anti-vapeing video because we thought our commercial could have an impact on today’s teenagers. The first thing I did for the process of filming was costumes, thankfully it was simple. We all wore with t shirts to match. Then we made sure we had a flash drive to look like a vape for filming. After the process of checking out all of out equipment my group quickly got to filing, although there was a big problem. One of our group members was very sick and could not make it to school, so we had to adjust almost everything. I then took the camera and the sd sd card and went down stairs. We could not find any tape in our classroom so we went to a neighboring teavher and borrowed tape from them.
Then I taped on singes that said “lung cancer” and “ addiction” to my two group members. The first shot of our commercial is me sitting on the stairs of our school and put the flash drive to my lips to make it seem like I was vapeing. I was very happy because this only took one take, we did it multiple times Incase something was off. We then realized we had a big problem, not being able to get the people we wanted in the shop because of our missing group member. Thankfully a student we knew walked passed, this student passed AICE media studies, so he helped us get a couple of shots. I felt like one of the hardest parts for me was I had to fall in the commercial. I had to fall because “lung cancer” and “addiction” there chaseing after me. I also had the idea of adding some dialogue at the end to make our video more impactful. We all thought of things for Luca and James to say, because they where the diseases, and we wrote it down. I then shot a clip of them and they read off of the paper to make Shure they did not mess up.
I made It so that there was a white wall behind them to make it look more professional. I then packed up the equipment and James carried it up to the classroom to start the dumping process. My friend needed extra people to form an “L” for their media video so I help them with that. I figured out how to insert the SD card into the computer correctly. We then went up to the classroom and dumped all the the clips from the SD card onto Lucas computer. I then packed up all the equipment and put our equipment sign out paper in the correct folder. I had to try and rush my group so the next period could use the SD card as soon as possible. Overall, I had a very enjoyable experience filming with a very productive and high energy group. I think our commercial will turn out very impactful and it is very creative thanks to my group as a whole.
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