Epic films are a genre in the filmmaking world with high scale, sweeping scope, and spectacle. Like epics in the classical literary sense it is often focused on a heroic character. Usually an epic movie tends to use natural lighting since they are filmed in nature. However, movies nowadays are filmed inside with green screens, so they have to create their own. There is softer lighting. In an Epic movie there tends to be a lot of aerial shots, this is so they can show the audience the extent of a journey. An example of this would be in a lot of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings shot where they show the entire group walking up a mountain. They also use long shots that show the extent of nature of the beauty of their environment. Additionally, in an epic film they use tracking shots to show a conversation through some terrain. In these films there tends to be 5 types of movement: The camera moves in relation with an object , The camera moves in relation to people, People move in relation to the camera, People move in relation with each other and other objects in a frame, Framing elements move in relation to themselves or each other But when it comes to epic movies you will see a lot of tracking shots to carry the conversation. Epic films can really be put into two categories, mythic/fantasy epics and war epics. In a mythical/fantasy epic you would be heavily relying on nature, using costumes that represent the time period or the storyline. The same goes for epic, but the costumes would be more of a rusty, torn look. You would also see maybe broken trees or devastated areas. Some examples of epic films are, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit, 300 Apocalypse Now, and Ben-Hur.
Crime fiction is the genre of fiction that deals with crimes, their detection, criminals, and their motives. ... First there is the crime, usually a murder; then there is the investigation; and finally the outcome or judgement, often in the shape of the criminal's arrest or death. The Key Lighting in the crime genre is: Back Lighting, side Lighting, low key Lighting, high key Lighting, and ambient Lighting. Common movements in crime genre is hand held Shot, Flash, Zoom, Trunk Shot, and Tracking Shot. Common Mis en Scene in crime is,
location- Office Space, Crime Scenes, Medical Centers, Alley, Homes, etc.
Costume- Police Costumes, Criminal Costumes, Prison Jumpsuits, etc.
Make-Up- Fake Blood, Materials to make Bruises and Cuts, and Special Effects, Prosthetics.
Props- Fake Weapons, Fake Vehicles, Fake Illegal Substances, Crime Solving Tools.
Lighting Design- Dim lighting, Shadows, Ambient Lighting Color Design- Black, Grey, Navy Blue, Brown.
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