Common Sound
Diegetic sound : One example of diegetic sound would be Dr. Strange screaming in agony.
Non diegetic: An example of this is while Dr. Strange uses his powers the sound that is created when he uses his powers.
Dialogue: An example of dialogue would be Dr. Strange conversing with the Master.
Camera angles
POV: Dr. Strange being shown the Multiverse by the Master and seeing the universe from the Doctor's POV.
TWO shot: An example of a two shot in the film is when the Strange is fighting with his fellow peer.
Close up is used in the film as we are shown Strange's face after the accident
Camera movements
Tracking shot: the young boys mother is creating an activity for the boy and he is running in the room. The camera follows him as he runs
High angle: there is a high angle in the film when Strange and the peer are fighting and the peer goes above him
Low key lighting: low key lighting is used when Strange is given permission of staying with the Master and be mentored with her teachings.
Natural light is also used in this film because of the fact that strange is traveling during the day in broad daylight trying o find the location where he was told to go.
High key lighting is used in this film when Dr. Strange and his "lover" are in the hospital. There are bright lights because of the windows and the other doctors.
There is a very grand use of makeup in the movie as it is incorporated in many parts of it. This is mostly seen however in the scenes incorporating Strange and his gruesome car accident. Now the reason for the use of makeup is that it is needed to sow how bad in a condition Strange truly is.
the setting is established at the beginning in New York City, as it starts off with Dr. Strange being a world renowned Neurosurgeon. Then it goes into the multiuniverse into other dimensional settings.
For most of the film the main actors are, Dr. Strange who is the main protagonist of the story and plays the role in saving everyone, then theres the master who teaches Strange everything he knows.
Diegetic sound : One example of diegetic sound would be Dr. Strange screaming in agony.
Non diegetic: An example of this is while showing the opening when we hear the monitors and the beeping. This shows the aded sounds which were not incorporated in the original filming.
Dialogue: An example of dialogue is the Doctor conversing with the patient.
One prop that is significant is Dr. Strange's Coat and as well as the books he reads. The importance of the books are that they are what he reads to help him learn the understanding of his Master's teachings, and furthermore the Coat plays as the tool Strange uses to fight his enemies.
A common sound used in the film is the effect of opening up ports and using the magic which they are taught.
Common editing in the film is the effects of the powers and how it causes everything to change in different ways.
Elements of the genre that I like: I like the story’s which involve drama. They are very intriguing and keep people interested. Sometimes dramas have lessons within the film.
Some elements of the genre that I don’t like is the film can be a little to suspenseful. In some ways this is good but for many people they may not like it and it could be considered scary.
Elements of the genre include the plot and the dialogue Wich is expressed very well in this film. The plot is intriguing and keeps the audience wondering what’s next. The dialogue expresses what is truly happening in the film.
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