Over the weekend our group did not have a chance to film. The reason for this is it was raining majority of the weekend first of all. We have very conflicting schedules. One thing that restricted us from filming over the weekend was Camilo having a soccer game. He had a tournament on Sunday, Wich is the day we where going to film. We could not film in the graveyard because we didn’t get approval for that date. We asked permission, and the owners of the graveyard said there was a funeral. We wanted to be respectful, so we decided not to film. On top of that, because of the rain it would have made it a very bad environment to film in. This restricted my group from filming. This is hard because now we have to film next weekend. Next weekend, directly after school we are going to go straight there. We have already gotten approval to film on Friday. We will have our props with us so we don’t waste time. Then we will drive to the grave yard and start the filming process. We will have all of our black clothes on to make the funeral sene look better. I believe this part of filming will not take to long. We need this to not take a long time so it does not get dark. It is not good to film in the dark.
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