The storyboarding aspect of the filming process is crucial. The planning of the whole music video is on the storyboard, which you need to complete the project. Each box is about 6 seconds, so my group planned to fill out twelve boxes. The reason we chose to do twelve boxes is because the limit is one minute and thirty seconds. Also we did less boxes then the actual music video is we believe we might film a lot of footage. We will aim to follow the storyboard as closely as possible. Yet, we might go off track slightly because there is a lot to include. We will be including a variety of shots to enhance the quality of our music video. For example, POV shots and over the shoulder. The POV shot is to add variety to the film. Also to show clearly what that charter is doing at that minute. These shots are to engage the viewer into the music video. Also we will be including various editing into this. For example we will have jump cuts to reduce the amount of time things take. The jump cuts will also keep the viewer intrigued. Also we will have cross cutting to show what one actress is doing while it is also focused on another. This is meant to show that the actresses are meeting up with people. This is important to know so when it occurs later in the music video it is not random. Our storyboard includes a lot of planning. For example, we planned out all of our shots and editing. One sene will have an extreme close up of someone putting their makeup on to go out. Also an important part of the music video is the sene of us going shopping because it shows we are getting ready for something. Establishing shot is also very important to the music video. The reason it is important is because it introduces characters. To add to this, it shows the viewers the setting. The storyboard is very useful to the director or directors. This makes it abundantly easier for them to do things. This includes where to put the camera. Also how to move the camera, also how to edit these clips. It is very important to know exactly what you want to include in your music video so filming can go smoothly.
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